Neil Longley Wins Gold at 2024 Axiom Business Book Awards
A Whole New Game: Economics, Politics and the Transformation of the Business of Hockey in Canada is the co-winner of a 2024 Axiom Book Award in the Business Commentary category.
In A Whole New Game, renowned sports expert Neil Longley details the sellout of a sport that Canada once dominated to big-money U.S. corporatization. While hockey is still Canada’s most popular spectator sport, many fans question how organized hockey serves the country of its origin as they watch the NHL expand ever deeper into an indifferent American south, taking the best young Canadian talent and leaving major Canadian markets in Quebec, the Maritimes and the Prairies in the cold. Minor hockey, once the pride of smaller communities, now serves as a brutal corporate feeder system for the NHL, treating underpaid teenagers like chattel, often shipping players as young as fourteen far away from their homes and families on short notice. Neil Longley contrasts the current state of the game with the way it was before the expansion era, when hockey teams were nurtured and supported at the community level, a system still practiced in much of Europe. In one of the most perceptive and authoritative analyses yet written on modern hockey history, Professor Longley finds no magic formula for putting heart and local pride back in Canada’s game, but makes a strong case for placing today’s corporate system “in a more realistic, less-Disneyfied, less sanitized, context.”
Neil Longley, Professor Emeritus in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, holds a PhD in Economics from Washington State University and is currently the Director of Business at Nevada State University in Greater Las Vegas. In addition to publishing widely in the field of sports economics, he was the recipient of the 2010-2011 Outstanding Research Award for the Isenberg School of Management. He lives in Las Vegas, NV.
The Axiom Business Book Awards are intended to bring increased recognition to exemplary business books and their creators, with the understanding that business people are a very well-read and informed segment of the population, eager to learn about great new books that will inspire and inform them, and help them improve their careers and businesses. The awards were created in 2007, and have since become the largest and most respected critical guidepost for business books in today's new world of publishing. These prestigious and competitive awards are presented in 25 business categories and serve as the premier list to help readers discover new and innovative works.