Michael Byers
Michael Byers holds the Canada Research Chair in Global Politics and International Law at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Professor Byers has led two projects for ArcticNet, a Canadian government-funded research consortium: the first on the Northwest Passage, the second on competing claims to the oil and gas reserves below the Arctic Ocean. He is a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and Ottawa Citizen and has written for the international newspapers The Guardian, Financial Times and London Review of Books. His most recent books were War Law and the glowingly reviewed Canadian bestseller, Intent for a Nation.
Intent for a Nation : A Relentlessly Optimistic Manifesto for Canada's Role in the World

Intent for a Nation: A Relentlessly Optimistic Manifesto for Canada's Role in the World
Michael Byers$22.95
Who Owns the Arctic? : Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North Understanding Sovereignty and International Law in the North

Who Owns the Arctic?: Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North Understanding Sovereignty and International Law in the North
Michael Byers$22.95