Signe Langford
Raised in the town of Hudson, Quebec, Signe Langford grew up surrounded by an ever-changing menagerie of critters, wild and domestic, and her special affection for all things feathered—present from day one—has never flagged. For Langford, keeping a tiny flock of laying hens is about so much more than real eggs; for her it’s about offering hens a quality of life that, sadly, the vast majority of egg-laying hens will never enjoy. “For every hen in someone’s backyard—even if the set up isn’t palatial or absolutely ideal—it is one less hen in a factory cage.
The former restaurant chef-turned-writer tells stories and creates recipes for such publications as: The Globe and Mail, LCBO’s Food & Drink, The National Post, Garden Making, and many others. Langford received a Gold National Magazine Award for her writing. Her work as a chef has garnered excellent reviews, including four star ratings. She studied Fine Art History and Humanities at the University of Toronto, and York University, graduating with honours from OCAD University. Langford earned her Wine Specialist Certificate from George Brown College. No doubt she can advise which varietal will go best with an egg dish. She shares her downtown Toronto Victorian cottage with her own menagerie – wild and domestic – though she could do without the raccoons.
For more information please visit

Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs: Keeping Chickens in the Kitchen Garden, with 100 Recipes
Signe Langford$22.95